Chapter One :Chapter 1

As he stepped out of his car at Elite Medical Clinic, Tim Penn was met by a hospital staff that tried hard to impress him. One male nurse waited by the pavement with the most comfortable wheelchair Tim had ever sat in. In fact, it was his first time in a wheelchair and it felt unexpectedly comfy.

Amid all the jostling to give him the best service, Tim wondered in his mind if the hospital staff realized how better off they were than him.

Tim Penn is probably the richest man in Bromburg, with vast international investments in mining, solar technology and telecoms. But as he got wheeled into the elite private clinic, Tim realized that without his health, none of the VIP treatment, vast wealth or respect mattered much. He wondered why these hospital staff never realized this fact, which stares them in the face whenever a rich person came to their health facility.

Right by the entrance, a middle aged doctor awaited. As Tim was rolled closer to the entrance, the doctor stepped out to meet Tim.

“Welcome to Elite Medical Clinic, Mr. Penn. I’m Dr. Zulu and I’ll be taking care of you today.“ The doctor introduced herself cheerfully. Tim smiled and nodded in acknowledgement but his mind was too far off to respond verbally.

As they entered the clinic, Dr. Zulu explained the procedures and tests that had been scheduled for Tim. Tim simply nodded in acknowledgement. Truthfully, he wasn’t interested in knowing how they were going to do it. He simply wanted to know the end result- the doctor’s opinion of his condition.

A few weeks earlier, Tim was advised by his regular doctor, Dr. Meck, that he had an overgrown tumour which had become life-threatening. Dr. Meck had urged Tim to seek a second opinion; hence his visit to Dr. Zulu of Elite Medical Clinic.

After what seemed like hours of waiting for the test results, Dr. Zulu entered Tim’s private room. “I hope the waiting didn’t make you too anxious, Mr. Penn…” Dr. Zulu said as he sat on a chair opposite Tim.

“Please call me Tim.” Tim interrupted the doctor with a sheepish smile. “What have you got for me… better news, I hope.” He revealed his impatience.

“Uhm-m, that depends… I noticed you came alone, don’t you need someone… wife… child… anyone for support…?” Dr. Zulu tried to prepare Tim for the bad news.

“Wow! It’s really bad, isn’t it?” Tim commented, “But yeah, I’m here by myself, I didn’t want to worry them, you know…”

“OK, I’ll get to it then.” Dr. Zulu shifted in her chair, struggling to find the right words to deliver his diagnosis.

“Mr. Penn… Tim, it’s not looking great at all.” He began. “I noticed a large growth that’s almost engulfed one of your vitals. I’ve consulted with my team of specialist surgeons and we have concluded that it’s inoperable. Unfortunately, that means it’s terminal. I’m so sorry.”

Tim looked away to hide the expression of hurt that came over his face as he received confirmation of his regular doctor’s diagnosis.

“How long do I have?”

“My team estimated six months to a year… maybe even less. I suggest spending it with family, some of my patients who were in similar situations found it really helpful.” Dr. Zulu noticed Tim’s sombre expression and tried to be as empathetic as possible.

“Yeah, I wish that were possible.” Tim blurted. “I’m divorced. I have two good-for-nothing sons who don’t know the meaning of responsibility. My life is just a total mess, right now. And your little diagnosis doesn’t make it any better.”

“I’m sorry to hear that. Is there something I can do to help you be comfortable until… you know…?” Dr. Zulu felt sorry for Tim. So much wealth and power and no one to share it with, she thought to herself.

Tim reached into his pocket and pulled out a photo from his wallet. It was a family photo of him, his ex-wife and twin sons.

“That’s us…her and the boys, when it was still great.” Tim said as he handed the photo to Dr. Zulu. “That’s Myrah, my ex-…”

“Wait a minute, I know this woman… Myrah. We were at a dinner together a few weeks ago. Her date… well, the person she came with… was a friend of a friend. Such a lovely woman, we had a great time. What a small world!” Dr. Zulu exclaimed upon seeing Myrah in the picture.

“Oh, really… date, you said?” Tim responded, his tone suggesting a little disappointment at the revelation of his ex-wife’s possible return to dating.

“Oh, my apologies for my careless presumptions; I just meant she came with a male companion, I have no knowledge of the nature of their relationship, really.” Dr. Zulu attempted to do some damage control. But the mighty business tycoon’s ailing heart seemed broken, judging from the sadness on his face.

“Thanks, doc. I better get on my way and see that I put my affairs in order. Six months, right?” Tim forced a smile as he got up.

Dr. Zulu nodded as she handed Tim the photo of his family. “Please try to reach out to them, I’m sure it will do you much good.” She pleaded with Tim as he walked towards the door.

“If I had it my way, I’d spend much of it looking at your pretty face. Now that would definitely do me much good.” Tim flirted with the young doctor, smiled genuinely and briskly walked away without taking time to notice how his blunt comments made her blush.

When he saw Tim approaching the car, the driver rushed to open the door. Tim smiled and thanked him. It was the first time he’d had such a reaction from the tycoon; and it somehow made the driver feel appreciated.

“Please take me to the cathedral, will you?” Tim said as the driver returned to his seat at the wheel. Again, it was the first time Tim had ever asked to be taken anywhere. Normally he’d have just barked, ‘Cathedral’ as if he was giving commands to a robot.

“You got it, Sir.” The driver responded with a smile.

As the car pulled out, Tim’s thoughts wandered off to what Dr. Zulu had revealed about Myrah. The possibility of Myrah seeing someone hurt him more that he’d ever imagined it would.

Myrah had divorced Tim because of his many extra-marital affairs, well before he became rich and famous. Since then, Myrah had remained single, dedicating herself to raising their twin sons, Eric and Elvis.

On several occasions, Tim attempted to get her back but she’d have none of it. He reckoned she’d never love again because of the hurt he caused her. So, hearing that she was dating again took him completely by surprise. And a weird feeling of anger and betrayal accompanied that surprise.

Reaching for his phone, Tim called Sean Kelly, his lawyer.

“I need to meet with you urgently. Are you at your office?” Tim said immediately after Sean picked up.

“Sure. I’m wrapping up a meeting now and can be at the office in an hour. How about we meet then?” Sean responded.

“OK. I’ll meet you at your office in an hour. I’m bringing someone to bear witness. I need to make urgent changes to my will. So get the camera equipment setup and ready to record by the time I get there.”

“Changes to the will…? Is everything alright, Tim?” Sean couldn’t hide his surprise at the mention of changing the will.

“I’ll be there in an hour. Be there and ready.” Tim completely ignored Sean’s inquiry and hung up. The car had just pulled up at the cathedral and the driver had already opened the door for him.

“Thanks, Sly.” Tim said to the driver, who was shocked to learn that the business mogul actually knew him by name. “I’ll be back in time to drive to Kelly’s office; I have a meeting there in an hour. And the reverend will be riding with us to the meeting.”

“Sure. If you’re back in thirty minutes it should give me enough time to manoeuvre through traffic and get to your next meeting at least five minutes ahead of time.” Sly knew exactly what Tim expected whenever he shared details of his schedule.

“Excellent. Thirty minutes, it is. Meanwhile, you can go across to the hotel and have something to eat… whatever you need. Tell them to put it on my tab.” Tim said, handing Sly some kind of Platinum VIP membership card to use at the hotel.

“Thank you, sir. That’s very generous of you.” Sly was definitely loving whatever had become of the regular shrewd, no-nonsense Tim Penn. If he keeps this up, Sly silently wished, I’d even be included in that will he’s going about changing.

“And why don’t you also ask them to send some goodies to the missus and kids at home. Whatever you need, it’s on me. Use that card.” Tim added before disappearing into the ancient but magnificent, stone-walled cathedral.

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